From August 21 to October 7, 2022, two fire investigators from Brazil attended the hybrid Fire Investigator class at Orland Park.
They spoke highly of the training program shown as below:
“All of you welcomed us and helped us in all situations that we had during our participation in the training, from accessing the systems to support in the classes and additional procedures that we had due to our status as a foreign student…John and Stephen (instructors) are highly qualified professionals who make the training unique and of a high level. In addition to their technical knowledge, they are very attentive and helpful, making our participation much easier and more productive. Lian and Shuyi (IFSI International Programs) were also always quick and efficient in communications and actions to assist us in all procedures that were necessary for the training. We have IFSI as a benchmark of quality and I will always promote your name as the best Research and Teaching Institute for Fire Investigators in the USA.”
In June 2018, the same visiting scholar joined the IFSI Fire College.
From July 31, 2017 to October 15, 2017, a visiting scholar from Vila Santa Cecilia, Volta Redonda participated in research regarding fire investigation education and training in the United States.
Lian Ruan
Telephone: 217-265-6107